Receba 50% do valor das suas encomendas para gastar em novas compras

Receive 50% of the value of your orders to spend on new purchases

The promotion you've been waiting for has arrived to renew the pillows in your home!

For each order you place by December 31, 2022, you will receive a voucher of 50% of the amount to spend, also until the end of the year, on new purchases.

After each confirmed order, you will receive in your email, within the next 24 hours, a promotional voucher with the value corresponding to 50%, excluding shipping costs. The code must be used in the checkout process of a new order. The amount will be directly discounted.

You can place as many orders as you want until the end of the year and cash all the vouchers you collect until December 31st. Vouchers will not be issued for orders where they are discounted.

- The campaign is valid until December 31, 2022.
- The voucher cannot be converted into cash.
- Each voucher can be redeemed once on new orders.
- The value of the voucher does not include shipping costs.
- Vouchers are discounted on orders equal to or greater than the same.
- Vouchers are issued only for orders without a voucher discount.
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